
Sunset Park Redevelopment Committee, Inc.

Business Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


5101 4th Ave., 2nd FL Brooklyn, NY 11220

(Entrance on 51st Street, not 4th Ave.)


(718) 492-8580

 Upcoming Events


Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

The purpose of the program is to reduce energy usage and utility costs by improving the energy efficiency in homes or buildings of income-eligible applicants, especially the elderly, persons with disabilities, and families with children. The program is administered by the state and funded by the federal government. Each home or building is thoroughly analyzed by a licensed auditor to determine the best energy-efficient measures, such as LED lights, insulation, boiler tuning or replacement, etc. These energy-efficient measures will result in lower energy bills.


Sub-Contractors Wanted!

Are you a sub-contractor and would like to work with us on our next project? Click below for an opportunity to bid on our upcoming projects