

Con Edison Green Team

With Con Edison’s multifamily energy survey, a Green Team energy professional will come to your building and evaluate your lighting, heating and cooling equipment, and offer energy-saving recommendations. Once your building is enrolled in the program, residents can receive free CFLs, water saving devices, and smart strips. Building owners are offered incentives for certain upgrades, including lighting fixtures, LED exit signs, HVAC systems, and more. The program also provides building owners with access to a network of qualified installation contractors and a quality assurance inspection upon work completion. To view the list of contractors participating in the program click here.


EmPower NY

EmPower New York delivers energy savings to low-income New Yorkers. On-site energy use education provides customers with additional strategies for managing their energy costs.

KEY BENEFITS. Cost-effective electric reduction measures such as high efficiency lighting and refrigerator replacements, and home performance strategies such as insulation and air sealing services are free to income-eligible households.

WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Participants must live in a building with 100 units or less and either participate in a utility low-income payment assistance program or have a household income at or below 60% of State Median Income (i.e., HEAP eligible).


HEAP Cooling Assistance Program

Find out if you qualify for a free air conditioner.

A few qualifications are:

  1. A household member must have a medical condition that is exacerbated by heat and the condition is verified with doctor's note,

  2. You do not currently own an air conditioner in any part of the home, and

  3. You currently receive HEAP, SSI, Food Stamps, Cash Benefits or do not exceed HEAP income requirements.

For more information call (718) 492-8580 and ask for Wally or email him at:



EPA Lead Safety Brochure

EPA Lead Safety Brochure