

Contact us

For assistance in completing the contractor qualification process, please call:

Ana Christodoulou

(718) 492-8580 ext. 14.

5101 4th Avenue, 2nd Floor

Brooklyn, NY 11220


Sunset Park Redevelopment Committee, Inc. is seeking qualified contractors to bid on audit driven energy efficiency measures under our NYS DHCR Weatherization Assistance Program. In order to be considered a qualified bidder, please submit a Contractor Qualification Form with the following attachments:

  1. Business Resume

  2. Recent Financial Statements

  3. Insurance Certificates: (1) Certificate of NYS Workers’ Compensation Insurance & (2) NYS Disability Benefits as required by NYS Law

  4. Comprehensive General Liability including completed operations – Bodily Injury and Property Damage combined in an amount of $ 500,000 per occurrence and $ 1,000,000 general aggregate.

  5. Agreement to name Sunset Park Redevelopment Committee, Inc., as additional insured with 30 days advance notice of any change, cancellation or non-renewal of any and all policies.

  6. Copy of NYC Business Licenses.

  7. Copy of EPA Lead Paint Hazard certificate.

Contractors who are qualified and approved will be given the opportunity to submit bids on small homes and multi-family projects in South West Brooklyn.